A floating photovoltaic system representing the next generation of solar energy.

The installation of PV panels on a floating water body compared to other fixed areas like ground and roofs providing a range of advantages, like:

Improved water quality

Shading of water and reduction of photosynthesis

Reduced evaporation

Up to 33% on natural water surfaces

Improved energy sufficiency

Up to 10% more efficient than land-based solar plants

The SolOcean floating photovoltaic system provide the most advanced technology of solar energy.

A floating photovoltaic system representing the next generation of solar energy.

The installation of PV panels on a floating water body compared to other fixed areas like ground and roofs providing a range of advantages, like:

Improved water quality

Shading of water and reduction of photosynthesis

Reduced evaporation

Up to 33% on natural water surfaces

Improved energy sufficiency

Up to 10% more efficient than land-based solar plants

The SolOcean floating photovoltaic system provide the most advanced technology of solar energy.

Advanced floating photovoltaic systems for salt water

The SolOcean floater has been especially developed for the rough environment of the sea and coast lines. The high buoyancy of the floating body, the high qualitative materials used and the flexible scalability make our system the number one choice for high performance floating solar farms. Presenting a promising path forward in generating sustainable energy floatovoltaics offer a series of environmental benefits that align with global conservation goals.

Advanced floating photovoltaic systems for natural and artificial lakes

Commercially used ponds and reservoirs are often not used to it´s full potential. Dams, gravel pond and snowcanine ponds (partially) covered with floating pv panels they can generate green energy for company purposes. On fish lakes floating pv fields bring additional ecological advantages like fish protection, reduction of water evaporation, temperature regulation and algal boom control.

Advanced floating photovoltaic systems for natural and artificial lakes

Commercially used ponds and reservoirs are often not used to it´s full potential. Dams, gravel pond and snowcanine ponds (partially) covered with floating pv panels they can generate green energy for company purposes. On fish lakes floating pv fields bring additional ecological advantages like fish protection, reduction of water evaporation, temperature regulation, algal boom control, assists with


What are floating PV panels?

Floating PV (photovoltaic) systems are solar power installations that are mounted on water bodies, such as lakes, reservoirs, and ponds. These systems use floating structures to support solar panels on the water’s surface.

What is the environmental impact of floating PV panels?

Floating PV panels have minimal environmental impact. They can benefit the environment by reducing evaporation and algae growth in water bodies. However, careful site selection and impact assessments are essential to avoid disrupting local ecosystems.

What makes the SolOcean PV system unique?

The SolOcean floater is characterized by its very high buoyancy and sensitivity to light. Constructed of 21 rotational moulded sections of highly resistant HDPE (High Density Poly- ethylene)  the floating body which withstands UV rays and saltwater adhesion. The sections are connected by rods and bolts made of stainless steel including anchor points. The PV foil of 72 half cut highly sensitive monocells are located between two glass elements. The highly flexible and curved glass enhances maximum sun exposure. A unique coating protects against the adhesion of salt crystals and bird droppings. Each SolOcean PV generates 560 Wp.

A unique coating protects against the adhesion of salt crystals and bird droppings.

Are there any regulations specific to floating PV panels?

Regulations for floating PV panels vary by country and region. They typically involve environmental impact assessments, water use permits, and adherence to safety standards for floating structures.



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